Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Header!!!

This is just a quickie to let you all know the obvious...I have a new header!!! My super awesome friend Ben (but not my husband Ben) got this one together for me, and I love it!!! Hope you guys like it too! Also, just a heads up, I'm working on updating my recipe page. FINALLY! So things will start looking a bit neater around here!


  1. the new header looks great! I`m sorry I can`t make it to the Craft Fair this year, I`m going to miss your candy...best of luck with it. Theresa

  2. This looks great - I am also contemplating updating my header!

  3. Wow, it looks really good. Very bright. Good to have a fresh new look every now and then isn't it? We're not planning anything yet. My other half did ours and it took forever! Don't think he'd be too chuffed if I suggested we change it! :)

  4. Great looking header! I like the different pictures.

  5. Very nice.
    Makes me feel like a slug with my design.
